We are looking for films or artistic works in video format on the topic of geoscience, within the following themes and topics:
Dynamic Earth.
The Earth is a dynamic and evolving planet.
Since the Earth’s birth 4.6 billion years ago to present day geological processes have formed our habitable planet, endowed us with resources and shaped the landscapes we live in. Our geodiversity is intimately linked to the biodiversity of the Earth.
This theme is concerned with understanding geological systems, active planet processes and rates of change in the geosphere at all scales.
It explores how a diversity of global geological process interact with the hydrosphere and atmosphere and help us to predict future rates of change and their impact on the biosphere.
Future Earth.
Geoscience plays a critical role in building our sustainable future.
This theme welcomes entries exploring and showcasing how geoscience and knowledge of the Earth is tackling current global challenges.
Challenges such as climate change, the management of our natural resources (water, minerals, energy, soils), transitions to cleaner energy, carbon capture and building sustainable cities.
We are also looking for contributions that show how geoscience helps mitigate the risk from geohazards and extreme events such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, cyclones, solar storms, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
Human Connection.
Human Connection is the space to tell visual stories of how we interact with the geological world around us.
This theme welcomes contributions that show how geoscience initiatives are building a more equitable and inclusive society and reducing global poverty and hunger.
How geoscience education, citizen science and geoscience communication enhance societal preparedness and resilience to change.
How geoscience partnerships, collaborations and conservation of geoheritage (e.g., geoparks) are building more prosperous and secure societies and improving wellbeing.
And how living on our dynamic planet has impacted humans, influenced culture and traditions and inspired art and literature.
We are looking for films or artistic works in video format on the topic of geoscience and understanding planet Earth, including but not limited to:
atmospheric science. earth science. engineering geology. environmental geology. equity, diversity and inclusion. geobiology. geoculture. geodesy. geodiversity. geoeducation. geo-energy. geoethics. geochemistry. geohealth. geoheritage. geoparks. geophysics. geopoetry. geoscience communication. geosystems. geotourism. geotrails. glaciology. hydrogeology. landscape and structure. marine science. mineralogy. mining. natural hazards and disaster risk. natural resource managment. ocean science. palaeontology. palaeo-climate. petrology. planetary science. remote sensing. seismology. soil science. subsurface imaging. sustainable geoscience. the arts. traditional knowledge of the Earth. volcanology.
Awards will be presented for the following themes and categories from the top three finalists in each:
Theme awards.
Best Picture
Dynamic Earth
Presented by the International Union of Geological Sciences
Best Picture
Future Earth
Presented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Geoscience Programme (IGCP)
Best Picture
Human Connection
Presented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Geoscience Programme (IGCP)
Category awards.
Geoscience professionals
Presented by AuScope
Media professionals
Presented by Inside Film Magazine
Women in geoscience
Presented by WOMEESA
Indigenous/First Nations
Presented by the University of Twente, Centre for Disaster Resilience
Presented by The Lions Nature Education Foundation (LNEF)
University and vocational students
Presented by the UNSW Earth and Sustainability Science Research Centre (ESSRC)
See the Submissions page for further information on award categories and submission eligibility.