Meet the Judges
Films submitted via FilmFreeway to the 2022 Earth Futures Festival films underwent a three stage selection process. All 972 submitted films were first assessed by the Earth Futures Festival Programming Team for fit to festival scope. All films that fit to festival scope were then assessed and ranked by the Judges, first to select the 21 Finalist Films and second to select the Award Winners. Films were selected based upon the following 5 selection criteria:
1. Originality / Idea: Is the idea and concept original
2. Geoscience: Fit to festival aims and selected theme
3. Storytelling / Communication: Clear, interesting and engaging
4. Production: Quality relevant to category, editing, pace etc
5. Impact: Create awareness, reach wide audience, impactful
Finalist Film Judging Panel
Khairun Lamb
Cameraman, Executive Producer, Executive Director DOSFELLAS, Malaysia
Dr Claire McNulty
Senior Director, Europe, National Geographic Society.
Erece Sánchez Drewes
IUGS Earth Steward
Joycelyne Biya
IUGS Earth Steward
Haydon Mort
Founder and CEO of Geologize
Jackie Keast
Journalist and Editor, Inside Film Magazine
Arnaud Guérin
Geologist, photographer, filmmaker, author, adventurer
Denise Crampton
IUGS Earth Steward
Preliminary Round Judging Panel
Dr. Jillian Aira Gabo-Ratio
Associate Professor, University of the Philippines; Faculty Adviser, Philippine Association of Geology Students, Philippines
Ms Kombada Mhopjeni
Deputy Director of Geo-Information, Geological Survey of Namibia, Namibia
Professor Ben Kennedy
Geoscience Education and Volcanology Researcher and Teacher, New Zealand
Sandra Villacorta Chambi
Founder International Association for Promoting Geoethics Peru Chapter, Researcher and Geospatial Data Scientist, Peru
Dr. Sam Mitchell
Science Communicator and Volcanologist, Researcher and Technician, United Kingdom
Dr. Melanie Finch
President Women in Earth and Environmental Science Australasia Network (WOMEESA), Structural geologist and Metamorphic petrologist, Australia
Dr. Janine Krippner
Geoscience Communiator and Volcanologist, New Zealand
Jo Condon
Strategic Engagement Manager, AuScope and Communications Specialist, Australia
Philomena Manifold
Geologist, Author, Illustrator, Photographer, Science Communicator, Australia